Friday 6 July 2012

Idol Worship

Tonight I watched a game of tennis and for some reason I really cared who
won the game of tennis. The person I wanted to win the game of tennis won
the game of tennis even though he wasn't expected to win the game of tennis.
I am really happy, which is really stupid. why should I care who wins?
A guy in my history class (who is a lot smarter than me) was saying the other
day how he was skeptical about some aspects of Marxism because adhering to 
the ideas of an individual can bedangerous. It is this inability to separate 
individuals from the things they create that strongly influences my tastes. I will 
never like the band Swans because Michael Gira seems like an asshole. I also 
don't like the Smiths that much because Morrissey is an arrogant douchebag. 
This shouldn't change how I feel about the music itself but it does. But if I have 
liked a band for a long time and something challenges my perception of them 
I will just deny everything. Like when I heard that Wayne Coyne from the 
Flaming Lips said that Arcade Fire were terrible,  pompous people. Arcade 
Fire was one of my favorite bands in my late teenage years so I just choose 
to believe that he is lying. Anyway, fuck Wayne Coyne because he was on 
MTV cribs. You are the pompous asshole with your stupid excessive house. 
will come at you with a gun and Catcher in the Rye in hand... This is the part 
where I realise I need sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I hated Junky because the protagonist hit a kitten in the face, and Burroughs killed his wife! Ditto Bukowski. Ditto Sartre. he used to be my favourite author but now when I read him all I hear is "blah blah blah, i'm a white french dude, everything i say is profound, wank wank wank, my lover is much more interesting than me but oooh i'm sooo deep blah". But then, even though I have read a lot about Ian Curtis being a bit of a dick bag, I choose to not think about it because I love JD so much!! Confusing. I don't think art should always necessarily be separated from artist. Sure, assholes have made some beautiful things, but we can't act like "the canon" just made itself. People decide who to canonise to genius status, and I don't think that a sense of responsibility should be absent from that. To summarise, the beat poets were full of shit xo
