Saturday 28 April 2012

Stream of Consciousness

Everything is the worst. I found a great tennis court today. Also walked through some amazing forest tracks. Taylor Swift never replied to my email. Today I drank something that I thought was whiskey but it wasn't. I think it was poison. I don't like Wellington central city that much. I'm really behind on uni work. That was some really good blue cheese. Everything hurts. I probably have cholera. I keep writing songs but then throwing the piece of paper out. I'm don't have many close friends in Wellington. This whiskey definitely needs some ginger ale. I want to sleep on the couch but Netta is sleeping on the couch. You are allowed to write anything on your blog right? Oh jesus, is that a weta? I'm not going near it. There are definitely mice in the roof. They sound to big to be mice, probably racoons. I want to listen to the Beach Boys. I want to listen to Bright Eyes The Beatles are underrated. Yeah I know they are one of the most critically acclaimed bands of all time but whatever. Hello fridge.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Going to be Great

There is something about walking home at night feeling sick, eating KFC, to finish off a seminar presentation that is due the next day that really makes you think about how you are living your life. I turned 21 yesterday and I wont let myself have a quarter life crisis. Instead i'll be great. I'm going to eat way healthier, get on top of uni work, and fit in as many things as I can into my days. This is some real Tony Robbins shit here. I decided a week ago that i'm going to do the Wellington half-marathon because if I do that i'll be great. I'll be all like: 'I can run really far'. I'll also read more, write songs and generally do more creative things and become pretty much the best person you've ever met. I might also buy some new pants. No I wont