Wednesday 25 April 2012

Going to be Great

There is something about walking home at night feeling sick, eating KFC, to finish off a seminar presentation that is due the next day that really makes you think about how you are living your life. I turned 21 yesterday and I wont let myself have a quarter life crisis. Instead i'll be great. I'm going to eat way healthier, get on top of uni work, and fit in as many things as I can into my days. This is some real Tony Robbins shit here. I decided a week ago that i'm going to do the Wellington half-marathon because if I do that i'll be great. I'll be all like: 'I can run really far'. I'll also read more, write songs and generally do more creative things and become pretty much the best person you've ever met. I might also buy some new pants. No I wont


  1. this is inspiring me to do the same. thanks tony

  2. step 1: update your blog


    feels good man.
