Thursday 3 January 2013


I try to avoid confrontation at all costs. This makes it quite hard to
stick up for people, but almost all of the fights I am surrounded 
with are between people that have all probably done something
wrong. I wish life was more like tv shows about high school in
which there is always a clear cut abusive bully/ nerdy victim
dichotomy. There are people who get mad at people they don't 
even know for saying something they don't like or agree with but 
I can never do that because I'm not confident enough in my own
opinions. I just want to know who to like and who to not like.
I could try to like everyone but I feel that I shouldn't like people
who have done really bad things to other people. Although most
people have probably that at some point so where do I draw the
line? The conclusion that I've come to is that I should live life like
a Louis Theroux documentary. He spends time with people he
doesn't agree with but is honest to them about it and civilly tries
to understand what they think and why. If I do that then I can
understand where people are coming from without having to be
too confrontational. Being a wallflower is the way to go in life.
Before I wrote this I had a 5-minute identity crises. I'm fine now

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