Tuesday 7 August 2012

Campaign Trail

After reading a lot about something I tend to relate it to my real life
a lot. Currently I am doing a research essay which is partly about the
campaign for the 1986 Homosexual Reform Bill. This made me
think about flat politics.

I live in a democratic flat where the current issue is about cleaning
reform. The issue being that we currently hand wash dishes, yet
we have a dishwasher. Eamonn Marra saw the need for change
and so introduced the bill with an impassioned but concise
speech where he made such points as 'hey, do you guys think
we should start using the dishwasher?' and no other points. From
my field research, the voting is split as follows:

-Eamonn Marra (radical equalist) for
-Madeleine Ashton-Martyn (cyber-liberal) for
-Jonathon Edwards (handsome protagonist) for
-Meredith Harris (social progressive/sanitation traditionalist) against
-Hannah Strom (relentless idealist) against
-Alice Connolly (poetic pacifist) unknown/ possible swing vote
-Kupe (cat) extremely indifferent

If put to an election I think that Alice, regardless of position, could
be bought off with some chocolate covered pretzels. When it comes
to washing up, Connolly is willing to get her hands dirty. However,
the main problem with the pro-reform campaign is their 'I don't really
care that much' attitude. If I've learned anything from my research
essay it's that the best way to rally support for a bill is to frame the opposition
in a bad light. This is why I will now refer to their position as pro-chores.
It is hard to predict how the outcome of this campaign but I think that
everyone will probably forget about it. Another lost liberal cause.


  1. You make me laugh with your funny jokes and I think you are really clever. Make a Mr. Bark 'N Fresh comic series

  2. This is incredible. You should do this for a living somehow. Not even kidding. Stop being clever and funny because I feel inadequate. A big well done and keep it up from me!
